1e6o8.blogspot.com {DUH!}

♥Tuesday, May 27, 2008 @ 3:33 PM

No more sitting on the dirty cement floor.

No more afternoon lunch at MacDonalds

No more bullying Zul.

No more Animation Courses.

No more studying on plastic tables and chairs.

It's the JUNE HOLLIDAYS! Let's welcome BOREDOM to our lives! WOOOOH!

I heard someone's going to be a brace face! GAHAHAHAHA! toooooooot. And that someone is going to some English place. Darn! I forgot where.

Dang; let's Bang!

I'm just here to crap so you guys have something to read. I hope you guys are pleased with your results. Congratulations to Qistina for being first in class as expected. She clever siowzxzxzx. toooooooot. To the rest, June Holidays is for study. December holidays is for relax and leisure. THat was what this Sec 3 Senior told me. Like toooot, right? tooooot.

Let's have the time of our lifes.

♥Friday, May 9, 2008 @ 5:35 PM

hellooo people who reads this blog : D

Today, was the last day of mid years!
Woots! everyone enjoy post exam activities yeah?
June hols are like 2 weeks away?
So, what are your plans?
What else should i post about?
I guess that's it right?
oooohhhhh, & wednesday, SCHOOL AS PER NORMAL.
We'll be checking our papers though.
So, good luck you guys! : DDDD

Look at how happy ISAAC is on the last day of the exams.

BUT, he looks more retarded then happy. haha. just for laughs aite.

POSTED BY: number 01 : D

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