1e6o8.blogspot.com {DUH!}

♥Tuesday, October 28, 2008 @ 6:56 PM

It's Miss Tay here.
Due to some reason,
I didn't manage to find out who is coming to my birthday party this coming Friday.

So whoever is reading this blog from 1E6,
kindly email me at burberry_sky@hotmail.com to confirm with me your attendance.

This is very important as it's pretty hard to get to my chalet.
It's not coasta sand or downtown east...
It's Aloha loyang chalet.

I want you guys to come together as a group to take the free shutter bus service to get to my chalet...
Unless someone is driving you there...

So email me...

Please help me to pass the message around to your classmates...
Thank you.

Hope to see you guys real soon...

♥Friday, October 24, 2008 @ 4:40 PM

yesterday was the last day of school. D:
i know you guys are sad.
the whole class would be missed.
so, congratulations to whoever who has done well!
especially all those who are in the top 40 of the cohort.
for those who didn't, you still have another year to work on it.
don't give up yeah.

let's do some bonding sessions during the hols.
like a barbeque or go bowling.
that'll be fun.

so, see you guys next year or during the hols.
hope you guys will remember this class forever ever ever : D
take care ya'll. bye.

♥Saturday, October 11, 2008 @ 4:20 PM

yay. you guys can finally enjoy yourself. oh, i just remembered, what happened to the class tee? okay, i think it was forgotten right? so, whatever. we don't have to come to school on monday cos its marking day. so really enjoy this long break. see you guys on tuesday. what are you guys bringing to school on tuesday?

♥Friday, October 3, 2008 @ 10:08 PM

This will be a short one.

EOYs are almost over. Just a few more papers people! Andand, Selamat Hari Raya to all our Muslim friends. I'm sure they get a lot of $$! Ka-ching!

To the "oi" from 2E5, we're not offending your class.

Okay, I really have to go. Good luck. I can't wait for EOYs to end!